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Being the only instition that customers can trust in every circumstance by carrying the knowledge gained in the field of metal surface processing services day by day, without damaging the nature, continuously following the technological developments and efficiently using the resources it has.
In the globalizing world, creating a global brand awareness; quality level is always alive, customer satisfaction is always at the forefront, eco-friendly and to be a leading company in the field.

Mikrosan which builded up in Dörtyol Sanayi Sitesi in Sakarya in 1993. Today it continue to provide electro-galvanized zinc plating services in Sakarya and surrounding areas in 2200 m² open area and 600 m² closed area in Erenler Kozluk.
Our Contacts
Kozluk Mahallesi 2 no'lu Cadde No:10 54200 Erenler/Sakarya TURKEY
+90 (264) 353 56 31
Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday : 08:00 - 16:00
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