25 Years of Experience
Our company which builded up in Dörtyol Sanayi Sitesi in Sakarya in 1993. Today we continue to provide electro-galvanized zinc plating services in Sakarya and surrounding areas in 2200 m² open area and 600 m² closed area in Erenler Kozluk.

ISO 9001:2015 Certification
Reducing faults and reprocess and to do effective checks of input, production and final product. Providing to quality awareness from production to management, aims to absolute satisfaction of our customers.

Eco-Friendly We choose the production elements that have the least effect on nature and use these production elements efficiently. We avoid harming nature by controlling our wastes and turning to raw materials that can be recovered.

With a 3-20 μm zinc-plated layer, the metal parts will be protected against oxidation thanks to the high protection effect of zinc ...
About Us
Usage Areas
A few of the industries in our service network…
Mikrosan which builded up in Dörtyol Sanayi Sitesi in Sakarya in 1993. Today it continue to provide electro-galvanized zinc plating services in Sakarya and surrounding areas in 2200 m² open area and 600 m² closed area in Erenler Kozluk.







Mikrosan which builded up in Dörtyol Sanayi Sitesi in Sakarya in 1993. Today it continue to provide electro-galvanized zinc plating services in Sakarya and surrounding areas in 2200 m² open area and 600 m² closed area in Erenler Kozluk.